In 5 months, we spent 7.5 billion naira on COVID-19, Umahi says.

The governor of Ebonyi state, Dave Umahi yesterday said that the reviewed 2020 budget has a record of about 26 per cent reduction from the early budget of 178.6 billion naira.

However, he explained that the state spent about 7.5 billion naira in the fight against coronavirus in just 5 months.

The account covers five months period beginning from January to May 2020.

Umahi made this known on Wednesday at the Christian Ecumenical Centre, Abakiliki where he briefed the state on the review of 2020 budget.

His words: “On COVID-19 we have spent a total of 7.5 billion naira from January to May”.

Umahi however noted that state would be projecting the sum of 4.4 billion naira. He explained that 14 million naira was spent on the purchase of drugs and testing kits for coronavirus.

The governor added that 8.5 million naira was spent on nose mask alone, 18 million naira on fumigation of ministries and government premises.

Also, he said that 44 and 23 million naira were spent on accommodation for health workers and feeding/treatment of patients and suspected cases of COVID-19, etc.

On the reviewed budget which would still go to the state House of Assembly for approval, Umahi said that state had 26 percent reduction from 178.6 assented into law.

On the reviewed budget of 2020, health increased with 8.13 percent, thereby taking about 18 percent of our reviewed budget.

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