Submit a Story

Do you have a story to share?

We aim to deliver the latest news in and out of Nigeria. However, we rely on you, your contributions, and your potential to enable us to deliver news in your vicinity, state, country, or nation.

Kindly use the form below to submit a story to our Editors.

If you wish to become a regular contributor to Hanoky News, then consider registering on our platform. You can do this by visiting our Career Page or by simply send a quick mail to indicating your interest in becoming a regular contributor.

Enter your Display Name in this format: Surname, First Name, Othernames
Enter a valid email address. If we need to contact you, we will send you a quick email.
Enter your Personal Phone Number. You might receive calls from us.

Story Details

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files.
Upload pictures or other documents that are related to your story here. Please ensure that pictures uploaded are clear and in HD format.